Nourishing Your Pregnancy: A Guide to Healthy Eating for Birthing People

Pregnancy is a time filled with excitement and anticipation, but it can also come with its challenges, especially for pregnant people in marginalized communities who may face barriers to accessingContinue reading “Nourishing Your Pregnancy: A Guide to Healthy Eating for Birthing People”

Nurturing Cervical Health in the Heart of San Diego: For The Village’s Commitment to Underserved Communities

As January unfolds, a month dedicated to Cervical Health Awareness, we stand at the forefront of championing health. With a special focus on BIPOC communities, For The Village recognizes theContinue reading “Nurturing Cervical Health in the Heart of San Diego: For The Village’s Commitment to Underserved Communities”

Humanizing Birth: Promoting Dignity and Respect on International Human Rights Day

IntroductionAs International Human Rights Day approaches, it’s an opportune moment to shed light on an aspect of healthcare that often finds itself at the intersection of medical practice and humanContinue reading “Humanizing Birth: Promoting Dignity and Respect on International Human Rights Day”

Breaking Stigmas: Addressing Reproductive Health in the Black Community during World AIDS Month

Introduction In the spirit of World AIDS Month, it is crucial to shed light on the intersection of reproductive health and the Black community. Breaking stigmas surrounding sexual health isContinue reading “Breaking Stigmas: Addressing Reproductive Health in the Black Community during World AIDS Month”

Is a Home Birth Right for You? – What You Need to Know

Giving birth is one of the most significant events in a person’s life. For some, the idea of having a home birth is appealing, as it can offer a moreContinue reading “Is a Home Birth Right for You? – What You Need to Know”